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Facing Inequalities and democratic challenges through Co-production in Cities

Pilier 2 "Recherche collaborative"
Clusters - Cluster 2 - Culture, creativity & inclusive society
Responsable scientifique
Benit Gbaffou
Unité / Service
HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01-03 - The impact of inequalities on democracy

There is a link between inequalities and declining levels of trust in the political institutions of democracy in Europe. Unfortunately, the ways citizens and institutions are responding to these inequalities and to (re)build a sustainable common future remain vague. Urban policies should be coproduction processes. Nevertheless, their realisation is often characterised by epistemic inequalities and unequal power relations. The EU-funded Fairville project will document and propose pilot models of urban intervention engaging local academics, authorities, community-based organisations, residents and users in improving disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods via deepening of resident and user participation in new and existing democratic processes. These pilot cases will consider inequalities related to the environment, housing and urban planning, and climate risks.